Top Trends of 2022
Good morning. We're back with another winter break special edition looking back at some of our top coverage from 2022. Today, we're listing 20 of our best-read trend and feature stories.

Since the list is based on readership, it reflects a mix of two things: our best work and what generated the most interest on our website. When our team discusses coverage, we're always careful to remember that the highest number of eyeballs doesn't necessarily equate to the most important stories. As I see it, readership reflects a mix of what's important, what's well-reported and what grabs attention.

If we remember that fact, knowing what draws the most readers can still be important as we seek to understand the higher ed landscape. I hope it can be useful for you, too.

We'll return Tuesday with our final special edition — our top opinion and Q&A pieces from 2022.

As always, thanks for reading.

Rick Seltzer
Senior Editor, Higher Ed Dive
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